July 30th, 2022

F7 Entertainment Group presents

ERRA 'Pull From the Ghost Tour'

Alpha Wolf, Thornhill, Invent Animate

+19 (with 2 pieces of govt issued ID)

$20 +S/C adv
Buy Tickets
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Doors: 6:30pm

US Proggresive Metalcore group ERRA is coming to Vancouver this July with guests Alpha Wolf, Thornhill, and Invent Animate.


Alabama’s Progressive Metalcore group ERRA’s music finds the balance between the crushingly heavy and the headily melodic, its members seek to find harmony between the needs of the individual and the natural flow of this shared reality.

Alpha Wolf

Australian nu-metalcore band originally from Tasmania and currently located in Melbourne.


Standing on the mountain top of a breakout debut album effort and possessing a sonic character and resolve few young bands can claim to grasp,Thornhill are travelling at breakneck speed towards global heavy domination.

Invent, Animate

American progressive metalcore band from Port Neches, Texas.