May 23rd, 2025
Mood Hut presents
Jack J & Freak Heat Waves
+19 (with 2 pieces of govt issued ID)

Doors: 8:00pm
Jack J and Freak Heat Waves co-headline the Rickshaw Theatre this spring! Don’t miss them on May 23rd.
Jack J
Just a little over two years since the release of his debut album Opening the Door, Jack J has returned with a new full length. On Blue Desert, Jack wades deeper still into the stylistically prismatic pool of his own creation: melancholy dub-funk, jangling pyschedelia, moon-burnt sophisti-pop and stained glass folk mutations float freely together.
Freak Heat Waves
For more than a decade, Freak Heat Waves have been steadily amassing a cult following and earning accliam from both critics and underground aficionados alike. Their music is a heady cocktail that defies easy categorization, blending elements of post-punk, psych, dub, ambient, house and techno. Their eclectic sound has served as teh soundtrack to countless DIY punk shows, outsider galleries and sleazy discos, establishing the duo as iconoclasts with a reputation for ignoing expectations and subverting genre conventions. While at times, the term ‘aquired taste’ may have seemed fitting, their lastest release offers their most alluring output to date. MondoTempo, the duo’s fifth LP, released through Vancouver’s Mood Hut, was primarily recorded at their home studios in Montreal and Victoria. Building upon the electronic explorations of their previous record, Zap The Planet (Telephone Explosion), they inject their signature sound with a smoothness, trance mantras, dancehall grooves, ambient textures and vocal samples, creating a world that is both captivating and immersive. Notably, the lead single “In A Moment Divine” features a collabation with Cindy Lee, resulting in a dance floor number that boldly venures beyond the familiar wheelhouses of both acts. With Mondo Tempo Freak Heat Waves solidify their repuatuion as on of the most exciting and unprecdicatable acts around.