February 5th, 2022
Timbre Concerts presents
Ty Segall & Freedom Band
with guests
Cancelled+19 (with 2 pieces of govt issued ID)

Statement from Timbre Concerts: Unfortunately, due to the ongoing Covid-19 crisis and extended associated capacity restrictions on indoor events, the Ty Segall & Freedom Band concert on February 5th, 2022 at Rickshaw Theatre has been Cancelled.
TicketWeb will issue refunds shortly.
Ty Segall & Freedom Band
Rolling out of the mist and dust and silence of time, Ty Segall is behind the wheel of a sleek new ride, a confetti of pages torn from his ongoing saga blizzarding into the air behind him. Operating in this airtight environment with an eye towards precision, feel, and explosive mass, Ty’s crafted a formidable listening encounter — and once you get between the lines, the need to know more grows more compelling with every song.