September 27th, 2023

The Rickshaw presents

Comeback Kid

Denial of Life, A Mourning Star

Sold Out

+19 (with 2 pieces of govt issued ID)

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Doors: 11:59pm

DOORS: 7:30PM – At The Cobalt

Canadian Hardcore legends Comeback Kid play the Cobalt with Denial of LifeĀ and A Mourning Star!

Comeback Kid

Since dropping their debut full-length, 2003’s Turn It Around, Comeback Kid has been an undeniable staple of the hardcore community. Each subsequent release has built upon the foundation of its predecessor while continually experimenting with and incorporating new musical elements from beyond the confines of modern hardcore.

Denial of Life

Thrashing violence from Tacoma.

A Mourning Star

Metalcore from the Pacific Northwest.